When my NCT friends and I were due to return to work following our maternity leave, I realised how much information I had that my friends didn't have - purely from having worked in HR (for a long time!) and therefore being familiar with our maternity rights. Many of my friends didn't know how much annual leave they should get whilst on maternity leave, how to apply for flexible working or their company's obligations. This information isn't easy to find and workplace policies are often confusing!
As an HR professional for 20 years, I am familiar with the rights and obligations of mums and mums-to-be in the workplace and I'd love to simplify that for you too so you have clarity about what to expect without having to trawl through all the various websites for information. Let's face it, there are enough things to think about when you're about to become or have just become a mum! You want to spend your time trawling the internet for cute baby clothes and the latest "travel system", not how many Keep In Touch days you can use...
Let me take the hassle out of that for you so you are free to spend precious time with your darling little one!
“The most precious jewels you will ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.”
My friends and I all also struggled with confidence when we were returning to the workplace. Being faced with the decisions about childcare, flexible working, how to manage the commute and nursery dash etc, it dawned on me just how challenging it is for working mums to become only Mummy for a year (or so) and then suddenly transport ourselves back into the workplace as if nothing has changed. It's difficult enough going back to work after two weeks' holiday, never mind after a whole year when your life has been turned upside down, albeit in the most magical way!
Also, if we'd become different versions of ourselves as new mums, how would we fit back into the workplace? Would our colleagues/bosses treat us differently now? How do we deal with the guilt of leaving our precious little ones in childcare? The answers to these questions aren't easy, but with some coaching and activities, I was able to shift my mindset to remind myself of who I was professionally and to make a confident return to the workplace. As a fully-qualified executive coach, I’ve been successfully coaching clients and facilitating their self-growth since 2010 and can help you find the answers to these questions and more too.

"Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled, they are the ones that never give up, despite the struggles."
Sharon Jaynes
If you are looking for support and tools to bring more balance to your world, my services aim to introduce clarity and confidence; the first steps along the road to becoming who you want to be.